publisher: lisa livingston (procyon)
design, editing, and site maintenance: kathleen tibbetts
cross-platform testing and quality control: justin anderson
logos: lee
- ian abbott
- kabir akhtar
- andrea allan
- jason allan
- lily j. anderson
- anonymous indiana university student
- patrick arnold
- patrick berry
- bev
- cj black
- christine bomke
- melissa boysen
- jim brody
- bill brown
- patrick bullion
- andy capps
- cook
- tripp cox
- f cozzarelli
- greg cardinale
- childe 612
- gordon craick
- al crawford
- maura daffern
- dave dalle
- kevin davis
- daanon decock
- deuce
- nathan dewitt
- ryan donmoyer
- drifter
- mark dunmire
- jamie durie
- dirk ellis
- chris emmerth
- dave evans
- gavin farrington
- traig scott foltz
- fractal sex
- mindy frerking
- cathrine ann friedmann
- greg fuller
- alfredo fumacas
- eric garbos
- gianthead
- glitch 15:23
- grillabisc
- jason haas
- natira hammerstrom
- amy hanauer
- andrew harrison
- gus hartmann
- harold hutchison
- david irish
- michael israeli
- "jeff" at "compuserve"
- matt jones
- doug keller
- snow kettler
- crystal (poptart) kile
- henry e. kilpatrick jr.
- b. kinser
- john knapik
- andrij kopytko
- ted krueger
- mike kuzyk
- legion
- leonard la salan
- liberty
- sara c-ko linde
- aimee lortskell
- steven luscher
- christopher lyman
- nick maas
- marc
- matt
- chris mcaloney
- jamie mccarthy
- kate mccormack
- paul mcdougall
- taylor mclaren
- steven meckl
- midnight tree bandit
- patrick miller
- mr. tr808 (m.c. death)
- the mobius
- michael montague
- robin colleen moore
- maha mouaket
- the muse
- obsidian
- david parmenter
- paul
- nancy paulikas
- pasi
- matt podolsky
- darren prior
- stephen rapp
- jon reade
- kevin redderick
- alex reed
- alan reiter
- alex reynolds
- carmen rocco
- dan rosan
- michael roston
- lara roth
- christopher roy
- david rusin
- the sandman
- buck satan
- patrick schott
- adam christian schwenk
- screamnslv
- serraya
- chuan-cheng shih
- stacia
- jim stark
- darrell swoap
- synergy
- t
- jessie thomas
- tourett
- bill trimble
- manda tropp
- nathan trussell
- todd van duren
- vestal
- tim volk
- peter (beast of eden) werner
- p.g. windle
- youth
- elana zivinsky
thank you jamie r.
"...and not for the first time, it's happening
"We never say, 'Who's gonna get this?'
We always say, 'The right people will get this.'"
-- Joel Hodgson, This Is MST3K
hope and vaseline
(comments, questions, and technical difficulties)
lisa livingston
(submissions, comments, and information)
kathleen tibbetts
(submissions, format, and access)
"i wish i could put the blame on you"

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball!