Cooking with Bob Dole?

Do you ever wonder if anyone actually reads the publishers' essays at the beginnings of magazines? I read them, simply because the comments may contain some tidbit of information not found in any of the articles. Generally, they are amusing trivialities, like Hugh Grant prefers Puffs over regular Kleenex. I suppose I could use this essentially useless bit of information as a bombshell remark at the next tea party I attend. Juxtapose that comment with a little Hope and Vaseline and you've got endless speculation and innuendo. What, you say? Journalism is free of fiction and speculation? All I can say is, read any Vanity Fair or Village Voice articles recently?

Oh, but it's summer, and it's getting hot in here! We are all trying to take vacations to escape the heat, even if they are only mental ones. Speaking of mental, check out the National Geographic special (shameless plug by the author). In the "What the hell I did on the summer vacation I didn't have" department, we have a little number we like to call Chick Filet Machine. As promised, we have a section entirely devoted to freedom of expression commentary, as well as links to related subjects found elsewhere on the Net. I can tell you that the collective temperature of a.m.nin hit about 115 degrees over the accusations of lyrical impropriety leveled by Senator Robert Dole (among others). The responses to the Village Voice article -- that reached new lows in insensitivity, linking Oklahoma bomber Tim McVeigh to nine inch nails -- are also contained herein.

Also new to this issue is our little survey. Please help us out here, gang. We would really like to know how you found out about us. Tell us what you think, or if you would like to see any new sections included. We are always open to suggestions, 'cause this is your magazine too, y'know!

Oh yeah...please make your publisher a happy penguin. E-mail me and tell me that you read this.

Penguin cookies for all....

Lisa Livingston

Your 1995 Danger Rangers!