No doubt you've already seen MTV's 120 Minutes of Nothing, or a
reasonable facsimile thereof, and you may even agree with the general
consensus that it was if "nothing" else a sterling example of truth in
advertising. There were, what, eight whole minutes of interview footage,
total? Five (count [5]) videos? No Pig, and no "Painiac"? Oh well. Bitch,
bitch, faunch. (Bitch-bitch-faunch...WE WILL, WE WILL -- ROCK YOU! Okay,
that's enough.) At least we all got PWEI's "Ich Bin Ein Auslander" on
viddy at last, eh? So anyway, what did you
think? Drop us a line. We'll post your answer.
Nola, New York, and Atlanta NINnies got all the goodies last
month, didn't they? Referring, o' course, to the night of nothing
showcases that hit those three cities early in September, featuring
members of NIN, Marilyn Manson, Prick, Pop Will Eat Itself, and Meat Beat
Manifesto. We're still collecting comments on all the shenanigans and
goings-on, so drop a line and tell us all
about it. (If you were there, naturally.)
The big news: Contrary to expectation and every previous official report,
the Quake CD includes new NIN music -- ten tracks accessible from
any standard player. Hey, it's as good a way as any to force Mac users to
buy the game before it gets ported.... Users, the waiting world wants to
know: Is Reznor's Quake work worth it? The money, the hype, the
delays to an actual new NIN album...what do you think? Be honest. Send us
your comments at, and we'll
include them in the next issue.
And if you're still dying for the feel of something new, you can always
pick up the June releases by Prong: Rude Awakening (the album,
with production by Charlie Clouser) and "Rude Awakening" (the CD single,
featuring remixes by The Orb, The Young Gods, and -- wait for it! -- NIN).
Robin's departure is only a leave of absence, however. He still will
assist in recording the new album and probably will tour with the band
again when the record is finished.
You might remember an early-March MTV News factoid indicating
that Rick Rubin will help produce the next NIN record. But you
may not have known that Rubin's label, American Recordings, has
denied this rumor. "No, Rick is not producing Trent Reznor's album at
this time," a company mouthpiece stated in the St. Patrick's Day edition
of Addicted To Noise -- which,
as editor Jaan Uhelszki observed, only made sense, seeing as how Trent
was working on the new Marilyn Manson album at the time. I guess we'll
all find out what's up soon enough....
And while we're on the subject of Halo 11...there is no working title
for the next release. Official NINsiders tell me Trent never names a
record before it's complete. So all the speculative titles that have
been floating about the Net (Impossible Pain, Now I'm
Nothing, Music For Titty Bars, etc.) are just rumors. The
live record and video have been shelved as well; there are no plans at
this time to release either one, and the band is not working on them.
That's really disappointing news, but official sources say that a
Reznor/David Bowie duet disc from the Outside Tour is already in
circulation. It's called Children Of The Night, and it was sent to
radio stations only. Many of you have spotted the KTS bootleg of the
same name -- it's almost certainly a knockoff of this official, limited
Finally, if you're joining us late, the Reznor's Edge
Website is, indeed, bogus. The "personal homepage of Trent Reznor"
that has caused such a flap is in reality an elaborate prank conceived
and executed by Blackrose, a frequent
poster to and the various #nin IRC channels. If you wrote
a letter to Blackrose thinking he was Trent, don't feel bad -- a lot of
people have been fooled by the joke. Nothing Records was not amused,
though, and has asked him to take the page down. Blackrose has stated
publicly that he will do so if Trent Reznor himself asks him to. I don't
know about you, but that seems to me like a hell of a way to get an
Until next time....
HIS JUST IN...Okay, folkses, listen up,
'cause this ain't no drill:
it's true. Trent Reznor has been working for yet another bad-boy
overdirector on yet another wild soundtrack (for David Lynch's Lost
Highway). The new CD5 will be called "The Perfect Drug," and it'll be
released to radio stations on November 4. No word yet on when we'll be
allowed to shell out for it at a record store near us, but Nothing Records
will release the full album on the 26th. The big disc will feature the
score itsownself, written by Angelo "He Who Is Like God" Badalamenti of
Twin Peaks, Industrial Symphony #1, and Barcelona Olympics
fame. (Jazz-rock bassmaestro and former Bad Seed Barry Adamson also wrote
about 40 minutes' worth of new tuneage for the flick, but no word yet as
to whether any of it will appear on the album.) Even more additionally,
the CD contains not one but two Marilyn Manson tracks ("Apple of
Sodom" from Antichrist Superstar and "I Put A Spell On You" from
Smells Like Children, and myohmy aren't the Manson family getting
an almost surreal hard-sell these years, ya think?). Plus also, too -- A
Single To Be Named Later from one-time NIN tourmate David Bowie. Woo-hah!
(Gotcha all in check. Right.)
he long wait for at least one
NIN-related product has ended:
Those brainy science guys at id Software have released the shareware
version of Quake via their Web page ( and a few
bazillion mirror sites worldwide (not to mention their 1-800-ID-GAMES
number). The developers used player feedback from a version released in
early June to tweak the code for the final release, which is shipping
even as we speak (or type, or read, or whatever).
Trent Reznor created sound effects for the 3-D deathfest, which are
described by id biz guy Mike Wilson as "really cool ambient noise." The
CD-ROM retails for a little less than $10, with about one-third of the game
unencrypted. Players can open the other levels with a code from id, and
all id asks in return is a credit card number, so hang onto those
first-born children. (They aren't legal tender in Texas. Everyone knows
've never had anyone leave my band
and join the circus
before," Trent is said to have remarked. Yes, that
story is true: Robin Finck has left NIN to join Cirque Du Soleil. His
duties will include playing guitar and other stringed instruments,
including violin and cello. (Reports that he has donned a clown suit are
completely erroneous.) He's joined the Cirque's touring company, not the
troupe based in Las Vegas, so look for him in Montreal, Toronto, and
California over the next several months.
hope and vaseline --