Imagine my shock when I found the only available disc of this shoved behind some Amy Grant CDs at the local K-Mart! Anyway, I thought I'd share.

march of the wigs

Dress right up!
Pull...your...fishnets up to your knees!
Please! Tease! (Your hair looks like shit)

I wanna style it up
I wanna french-braid it
I think it looks like shit
I think I'll just wear it down

Don't like to color it
Don't like to curl it
Don't like to shampoo it
I think I'll just wear it down

All the wigs are all lined up
You just choose which one you want
Take the hair and pull it back
Now doesn't it make you look better?

Shove your hair inside
Surprise! Guys -- it looks natural and neat
Spray, style, color the longer parts

I wanna spray it up
I wanna cut it off
I wanna curl it up
I want to just wear it down

And don't your forget
I'm not just the president
I'm also a cli-ent
I want to just wear it down

All the wigs are all lined up
You just choose which one you want
Take the hair and pull it back
Now doesn't that make you look better?
Your wig is on tonight
And you can relax knowing
That it fits you just right

-- steve calderon

more sweet storiesfurther down front