cast of characters:
[Parm-T] -- dave parmenter
[fisty] -- damin j. toell
[RiotNrrd] -- m.c. death
originally presented live on #amnin on or about december 9, 1995
[Parm-T] Step right up, smoke, toke...
[fisty] crawl right up, all you g's
[fisty] please, greed, no weed
[RiotNrrd] take another breath o' dat shit!
[fisty] i wanna little bit
[RiotNrrd] can't afford no wimp-ass shit...
[fisty] a little crystal piece of it
[fisty] I wanna smoke it all down
[Parm-T] all the g's are all fucked up...
[Parm-T] they buy all the crack they want
[fisty] take the pipe and clean it out
[fisty] now doesn't that make it smoke better?
[RiotNrrd] the pipe is clean tonite...
[Parm-T] now doesn't that make you you have little tiny bugs under your skin?
[fisty] eheheheheh
[RiotNrrd] hee hee hee...let's post this shit on a.m.nin, eh?
-- posted to usenet by dave parmenter