the backstory

For all of you who are sexually frustrated, I feel your pain.
Here's a song to make you feel better:

sexual frustration

you give me the reason
you give me control
you gave me my dingaling
and my dingaling you stole

did you think i wouldn't recognize
my dingaling
is this my dick
or some other thing?
stale phallus
jock sweat
cock: rise! rise! rise!

it comes down to this my hand!
my bone!
and this bulge
it sticks out of my jeans
it means
it seems
like i'm having wet dreams

you give me the anger
you give me the nerve
help me use my dingaling
and you'll get what you deserve

i'm just a dingaling to be defaced to be disgraced
my dingaling has been replaced
and if i can't have everything
well then just give me a taste

it comes down to this
my hand!
my bone!
and this bulge it sticks out of my jeans
it means
it seems
like i'm having wet dreams

-- oracle

more sweet storiesfurther down front