
Mom took my plate and turned her back so I can't see
Hot cauliflower smelled beyond reality
I wished for something with a slight meaty feel to it
Instead of shit that I usually have to eat

Mom, I'm fed but you don't care
Trust me, I don't want my healthy share

You never treat me to the local Pizza Hut
Your idea of fun is something that mine sure is not
Your perfect kitchen of sharp knives, Spic 'N Span and soap
And vegetable food that tastes like a piece of plastic rope

Mom, I'm fed but you don't care
Trust me, I just need a hamburger

Oh Mom I'm fed but you don't care
(shove one more celery down my throat)
Trust me, I'm just fine, I'm doing fair
(and see me explode)

Can I eat all this?

-- pasi (SiGHeR) pirttiaho

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