I just got home from having a flu shot, and I saw something that was just too cool to be true. I was at one of those clinic-type places that I only go to once a year for the the flu shots, and there was a list of the doctors on duty on the wall. The one on top read: "A. BIGMAN, M.D." Hee hee hee! (If anyone wants to know exactly where I saw that name, it was at Doctors Immediate Care on Route 110 in East Farmingdale, New York.)

A. Bigman, M.D.

i am A. Bigman, yes i am
and i'm gonna draw blood
got me a big old syringe
and i, i like to have fun

held against your forearm
i'll make you feel it
maybe i'll put put a hole in your limb
you know, just for the fuck of it

i can overcharge you, if i want
i can devour
i've got this stick of steel, and i've got the power
i'm barely a med school grad, and i'll show you somehow
me and my fucking needle
nurses can't stop me now

stick stick stick stick stick
i'm gonna take some blood from you
me and my fucking needle
me and my fucking needle

-- damin j. toell

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