big man with a .sig

i am a big man
(yes i am)
and i have a big .sig
got big old ascii art and i
i like to post big

there on your monitor
you'll have to scroll through
maybe twenty or thirty lines
or maybe a thousand two

i can mailbomb you if i want
i have trolling power
i flame hot as fucking hell
and i post by the hour

i'm every cyberinch a man
and i'll post it somehow
me and my fucking .sig
nothing can stop us now

post post post post post
i'm going to spam all over you

me and my fucking .sig
me and my fucking .sig

oooo d8b   .oooo.     .ooooo. oooo    ooo  .ooooo.  ooo. .oo.   
`888""8P  `P  )88b   d88' `88b `88.  .8'  d88' `88b `888P"Y88b  
 888       .oP"888   888ooo888  `88..8'   888ooo888  888   888  
 888      d8(  888   888    .o   `888'    888    .o  888   888  
d888b     `Y888""8o  `Y8bod8P'    `8'     `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o 

-- lara (raeven) roth

this is the only place you'll ever 
see this .sig....