-=-=-=-=-= The Purest Feeling NINcon Purity Test =-=-=-=-=-
I. Hotel Questions
1. What "explanations" did you give?
- "We're ex-roadies. Really."
- "Hi there, I'm from Ruptured Testicle Records..."
- "We're here to fuck you over."
- "I'm really with Dun & Bradstreet."
2. Did your hotel room overlook:
- The airport?
- The pool?
- Trilogy?
- Trent's house?
3. Did you sleep in a room with:
- Three other people?
- Mistress Lily?
- Donna, Stark, and a copy of fixed?
- King Dong?
4. How much sleep did you get?
- Under 8 hours a night?
- Under 4 hours a night?
- Under 2 hours a night?
- Under 2 hours?
- Enough, now that you're dead?
II. Official Events
5. At the banquet:
- Did you get rained on?
- Did you sing?
- Did you throw food?
- Was it cake?
6. Did you eat the beef?
- Was it still bleeding?
- Did you fondle it?
7. To the dance, what did you wear:
- Black?
- Vinyl?
- A suit jacket?
- Saran wrap?
- Buck Satan?
8. At the dance, did you:
- Boogie?
- Mosh?
- Conga?
- Hurt yourself/others?
9. During "closer," did you:
- Fuck with Buck?
- Not fuck with Buck, 'cause Buck will fuck you up?
- Lick the microphone?
- Hover and spin?
III. Free time
10. Did you see a Revco?
- Did you get a picture?
- Did you go inside?
- Did you ask for KY jelly there?
- Did you see Al?
11. Did you go bowling?
- Did you get a strike?
- Did you orgasm from it?
12. Did you ride the subway?
- Did you carve a NIN logo on the seat?
- Did you carve a NIN logo on the man sitting next to you?
- Was it Trent?
13. Did you visit the airport?
- To pick up 12-year olds?
- Did you page Trent?
- Did he come?
14. Did you go to Denny's?
- More than once?
- On the same day?
- Did the waitress know what you were going to order?
IV. Miscellaneous
15. What toys did you bring?
- Whips? (1 point for each whip/crop)
- Cameras?
- Fists?
- Brownies?
- Cuffs?
- Clips?
- Hair dye? (1 point for each color)
- Stickers?
- Fishnets?
- 1 point for each pair
- 2 points for each pair of gloves
- 5 points for crotchless
16. Did you see the dildo?
- Did you touch it?
- Did you point it at the hotel employees?
- Did you hit anyone with it?
- Did you deep-throat it?
- Are you M.C.Death?
17. Where did you put your PRICK sticker?
- On a tollbooth.
- On your crotch.
- On your nametag.
- On a police vehicle.
- On the dildo.
18. Where did you spot Trent during the weekend?
- Downtown?
- In the Time Out bar?
- Using your deodorant?
- With the Truck Stop convention?
19. About Trixter:
- Had you heard the cover before?
- Do you own the CD?
- Have you called the hotline for hair tips?
- Are you in Trixter?
20. You quoted Trent how many times during the weekend:
- Who?
- Twice.
- You're a walking halo.
- You ARE Trent. (Fist me.)
21. Which phrase best describes your weekend?
- "Happiness in slavery."
- "This is the only time I really feel alive."
- "Suck, suck, suck!"
- "Sin."
-- gnat hammerstrom and gus hartmann
No more NINside jokes! (after this one.)