don't open your won't like what you see

Trent Reznor			Bob Dole
Singer/songwriter/musician	U.S. Senator

Synonyms for "fistfuck" List of words that rhyme with "depravity"

"Punch your balls off" in five Letter to William Safire re: origins European languages of "mack daddy"

Résumé (version without Nixon meeting scene from Light of Day) Forrest Gump

Joel Peter Witkin screensaver Newt Gingrich screen saver

List of subliminal phrases hidden Book proposal: Sodom, Gomorrah, in tracks 7-97 of broken and Time Warner

Thank-you note to Bob Dole re: Guide to distinguishing Vanilla Ice, sales of the downward spiral Just-Ice, Ice Cube, Ice-T, T-Boz, and T. Reznor

Phone list of keyboard repairmen Proposal to start Grand Old Posse, in every major U.S. city a family-oriented rap group

Lyric ideas for Halo 12: Reminder: True Romance evil, music for titty bars True Lies good

Screenplay idea -- fixed: Directions to Bruce Willis' barbeque return from the grave

Sir Mix-A-Lot's e-mail address Rush Limbaugh's snail-mail address

idea (plus dole text and photo composite) plundered
from Entertainment Weekly, June 16, 1995

reznor text and dole text tweaking by lily j. anderson
reznor photo composite by kt

And now for something completely different...or not.