If you'd like more information -- or just to let your thoughts be known -- try some of these home page / e-mail links. (We'd give you Bob's e-mail address...but he's not on-line. Think of it this way: At least he's being consistent.)
President Bill Clinton: president@whitehouse.gov
Vice President Al Gore: vice.president@whitehouse.gov
Vice President Gore's Home Page (check out the National Information Infrastructure link): http://www.whitehouse.gov/White_House/EOP/OVP/html/GORE_Home.html
The U.S. House Of Representatives Home Page: http://www.house.gov/
Highly recommended:
The Voters Telecommunications Watch BillWatch Newsletter (keeping an eye on the latest movements of various Internet censorship initiatives, and telling you what you can do -- and when to do it):
E-mail vtw-announce@panix.com
message body: subscribe vtw firstname lastname
You'll receive weekly updates, as well as news alerts, concerning the status and movements of U.S. federal legislation affecting civil liberties -- including the 1995 Communications Decency Act (HR 1004), also known as the Exon Bill.
For the complete text of the 1995 Communications Decency Act,
check the following sites:
World Wide Web:
E-mail for copies of CDA-related bulletins:
To sign the Net petition against the CDA, link to http://www.cdt.org/petition.html