Scream real loud!

As most of us know by now, Bob Dole was a pretty busy fellow all the way around this summer. Not only was he on the march against corporate-sponsored sleaze, but he found time to co-sponsor the Communications Decency Act of 1995 -- the bill that, if signed into law, will make the Internet safe for sensitive souls under the age of 18 and virtually ensure that no one over the age of 12 will feel free to go anywhere near it.

If you'd like more information -- or just to let your thoughts be known -- try some of these home page / e-mail links. (We'd give you Bob's e-mail address...but he's not on-line. Think of it this way: At least he's being consistent.)

President Bill Clinton:

Vice President Al Gore:

Vice President Gore's Home Page (check out the National Information Infrastructure link):

The U.S. House Of Representatives Home Page:

Highly recommended:

The Voters Telecommunications Watch BillWatch Newsletter (keeping an eye on the latest movements of various Internet censorship initiatives, and telling you what you can do -- and when to do it):

message body: subscribe vtw firstname lastname

You'll receive weekly updates, as well as news alerts, concerning the status and movements of U.S. federal legislation affecting civil liberties -- including the 1995 Communications Decency Act (HR 1004), also known as the Exon Bill.

For the complete text of the 1995 Communications Decency Act,
check the following sites:

World Wide Web:


E-mail for copies of CDA-related bulletins:

To sign the Net petition against the CDA, link to

Hot enough for ya?