A word from your programmer

This document was designed in Netscape v1.0N using HyperText Markup Language v2.0, currently in final standards review. Future issues will contain a few experimental extensions that (presumably) will be included in the HTML 3.0 spec. At any rate, your browser should just ignore any commands it doesn't recognize. If this document doesn't display properly on your system, e-mail me.

I like to reward people for paying attention. So be looking for bonus tracks. Heh.

Thanks to Lisa for coming up with this idea, and to everyone who let us print or reprint their stuff.

Thanks especially to the guy (and guys) whose work has helped keep some of us out of jail or shock treatment or the bottom of a lake somewhere, and has even gotten a bunch of strangers to make friends and have fun and jack around with words and computers and say, "Look what we made!" (I like to think that at least a few of these things are results of which one could be proud.)
I O U. Take it easy.

Respectfully submitted -- KT


Let's all be careful out there.