Cosmic twins? You be the judge.


Plays wind-using instrument (trumpet)	Plays wind-using instrument (saxophone)
Sold-out concerts full of screaming	Sold-out concerts full of screaming
   groupies (1965)			   groupies (1995)
Accused of appropriating a musical	Accused of appropriating a musical
   tradition for commercial purposes	   tradition for commercial purposes
   (Latin American)			   (industrial)
Formed record label (A&M) with guy	Formed record label (nothing) with guy
   whose initials are JM (Jerry Moss)	   whose initials are JM (John Malm)
   and signed commercially iffy bands	   and signed commercially iffy bands
   whose music he really liked (Brasil	   whose music he really liked (Marilyn
   66, Baja Marimba Band)		   Manson, Prick)
Played all the brass parts on his	Plays all the instrumental parts on his
   first two records			   records

Played drums in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS	Probably ignores the Ten Commandments
Played "A Taste Of Honey"		Drinks the honey
Played bugle in the army marching	Played saxophone in his high school
   band					   marching band
Loves tequila				Loves tequila (go Cuervo 1800!)
Known by his initials (TJB)		Known by his initials (NIN)

Played a song about a Tijuana taxi	Played a song about a broken machine
Sang "tell me now, is it so, don't let	Sang "this isn't meant to last, this is for
   me be the last to know"		   right now"
Played "Salud, Amor Y Dinero"		Sang "god money, I'd do anything for you"
"Tijuana Sauerkraut"			1KDJs' "Supernaut"
Musical preoccupation with non-human	Musical preoccupation with non-human
   life form perceived to be dangerous	   life form perceived to be dangerous
   and/or unsanitary ("Spanish Flea,"	   and/or unsanitary ("Piggy," "March
   "Flea Bag")				   of the Pigs")

Associates with braying, dark-haired	Associates with braying, dark-haired
   woman of noticeably lesser talent	   woman of noticeably lesser talent
   (Lani Cantrell)			   (Kennedy)
Signed The Carpenters to their first	Has created work for many skilled
   recording contract			   repairmen
A&M Records released Janet Jackson's	Breaks things; has stated for the record
   breakthrough, CONTROL		   that he is a control freak
Was the subject of a recent orgy	Was the subject of a recent orgy
   at WHRB				   (probably)
Released an album, GOING PLACES		Is going places

Has never won a yo-yo contest		Has never won a yo-yo contest
Released an album, WHIPPED CREAM	Would be delightful covered in whipped
   AND OTHER DELIGHTS			   cream, or if he released another album
Played theme ("Casino Royale") from	Played theme ("Burn") from film (NATURAL
   film (same name) that was intended	   BORN KILLERS) that was intended
   as a parody (of James Bond movies)	   as a parody (of the media)
Played "Freckles"			Has freckles
Played "Wall Street Rag"		Has ragged on Wall Street (or at
					   least the business side of music)

Nothing is in the hub grooves of	A&M is in the "thank you" section
   Alpert's LPs				   of Reznor's TDS cd booklet

Coming up next...The BFPT of the Brass!